A flexible operating principle
With the BladeMAX650 and the BladeMAX800, rotor blades can be picked up, raised up to an angle of almost 90°, swivelled and rotated by 360° around their own axis using this adapter, which is mounted on a self-propelled vehicle or between modular axle lines. A third vertical rotary axis can even be integrated as an option, additionally enabling a lateral swivel angle of 20°. This option is frequently selected for use in built-up areas.

The BladeMAX1000 with its 1000 mT load capacity is the most powerful available on the market of blade lifters! This equipment has two movement axis: rotor blades are raised up to 60° and can also be rotated by 360°.

A unique feature of the BladeMAX650 and the BladeMAX800 is its patented tilt kinematics. Thanks to this levering device, the position of the centre of gravity remains considerably more stable than with conventional devices when the blade is moved from the vertical to the horizontal position and the required ballast is considerably reduced. In addition, the overall height of the construction remains quite low due to this method.
Stable structure, safe handling
Greater handling stability is guaranteed for the BladeMAX650, BladeMAX800 and BladeMAX1000 by the similarly patented stability control system (SCS). The data from diverse sensors are collected and sent to the central control unit, which processes them. All safety-relevant information is constantly monitored. The operator receives a signal as soon as critical values are approached. The tolerance is, however, larger than with previously known systems. The SCS allows working in 3 meters width even with the biggest blades.
The interaction of electronics, hydraulics and visualisation increases the safety during the shift of the centre of gravity when moving the blades. Thus the BladeMAX avoids counterweights adding on several tonnes of weight.
The Faymonville Group has pushed forward into a new dimension in wind turbine blade transport with the development of these blade lifters.